Kenabian Terakhir dalam Pandangan Riwayat-Riwayat


Oleh :  CK

Riwayat Imam Ali

  • “….Allah SWT untuk memenuhi janjinya dan menyempurnakan serta mengakhiri kenabian mengutus Muhammad SAW…”(Nahj al-Balaghah, khobtah pertama)
  • Amirul mukminin Ali berkata:”…Rasulullah SAW adalah manusia terpercaya untuk menerima wahyu Allah, penutup, dan nabi terakhir penyampai berita gembira atas rahmat Allah, dan pembawa ancaman akan kemurkaan-Nya…”.(Nahj al-Balaghah, Khotbah ke-168)
  • Imam Ali pada sebagian pembuktian beliau pada orang-orang yang menentang berkata,”Adapun Rasulullah SAW beliau adalah penutup para nabi, tidak ada nabi setelahnya, dan tidak pula seorang rasul. Dengan kehadiran Rasulullah SAW, kerasulan dan kenabian telah berakhir samapi hari kiamat”.(Kitab Suilamin bin Qais, hal.97; Al-Ihtijaj, jil1, hal.220)
  • Amirul mukminin ketika mengawali khotbahnya berkata “…..dan aku bersaksi bahwa Muhammad SAW adalah Rasulullah, penutup para nabi, dan bukti Allah bagi seluruh alam”.(Al-Wafi jil.14, hal.11)

Riwayat Fatimah Zahra
Fatimah Zahra dalam beberapa do’anya mengungkapkan,”Ya Allah, sampaikan shalawat dansalam pada Nabi muhammad dan keluarganya dengan shalawat yang disaksikan oleh nabi-nabi terdahulu pada nabi termulia, pemimpin orang-orang bertakwa, penutup para nabi, penyeru kebaikan dan kuci rahmat-Mu”.(Miqbas al-Mashabih, hal.113)

Riwayat Imam Hasan Mujtaba
Imam Hasan al-Mutjaba dalam sebuah khotbah menjelaskan,”Aku adalah putra nabi Allah….aku adalah putra penutup para nabi, pemimpin para rasul”(Maqtal, Kharazmi, jil.1 hal.126)

Riwayat Imam Husain

  • Imam Husain dalam do’a Arafah berkata,”Segala puji bagi Allah sebanding dengan pujian para malaikat terdekat-Nya, para nabi yang telah diutus-Nya. Semoga shalawat tertuju pada pilihan-Nya yaitu Muhammad SAw penutup para nabi, dan juga pada keluarganya yang suci dan tulus”.(Al-Iqbal, hal.343)
  • Dalam syair-syairnya Imam Husain berkata,”Ayahku adalah Ali dan Kakekku adalah penutup para nabi. Manusia-manusia yang menerima agama Allah dengan kerelaan sebelumku”.(Kasy al-Ghummah, jilid.2, hal 213; Bihar al-Anwar, jil.78, hal.125).

Riwayat Imam Ali Zainal Abidin

  • Imam Ali Zainal Abidin dalam do’a berdo’a,”Ya Allah, sampaikan shalawat pada Muhammad SAW penutup paran bai dan penyempurna seluruh utusan Allah.(Shahifah as-sajjadiyah, Do’a ke 17)
  • “Ya Allah, gabungkanlah diriku bersama al-Musthafa Muhammad SAW dan keluarganya. Manusia pilihan-Mu diantara makhluk-makhluk-Mu, penutup para nabi”.(Al-kafi, jilid 1, hal.177; Al Wafi, jilid 2 hal.19)

Riwayat Imam Muhammad Baqir

  • Imam Baqir berkata,”Sungguh Allah SWT telah mengakhiri  kitab-kitab langit dengan kitab kalian(Al-Qur’an) dan mengakhiri para nabi dengan nabi kalian (Muhammad SAW)”.(Al-kafi, jilid 1, hal.177; Al Wafi, jilid 2 hal.19)
  • Imam Muhammad Baqir dalam do’a harian bulan Ramadhan berdo’a,”Ya Allah, Tuhan fajar dan malam yang sepuluh….dan Tuhan Penutup para nabi, sampikanlah shalawat kepadanya…”.(Al-Iqbal hal.91)

Riwayat Imam Ja’far Shadiq

  • Zurarah berkata,”Aku bertanya pada Imam Shadiq  mengenai halal dan haram. Beliau menjawab,”Apa yang telah dihalalkan oleh Muhammad SAW maka akan halal selamanya sampai hari kiamat. Tidak ada selainnya dan tidak ada nabi lain setelahnya”.(Al-Kafi, jil.1, hal.57)
  • Ismail bin Jabir berkata,”Aku mendengar Abu Abdillah Ja’far bin Muhammad as-Shadiq berkata,”Sesungguhnya Allah SWT mengutus Muhammad dan mengakhiri dengannya para nabi terdahulu. Tidak ada nabi setelahnya dan Allah SWT menurunkan baginya kitab (al-Qur’an) dan dengannya diakhiri kitab-kitab sebelumnya. Maka, tidak ada kitab setelah al-Qur’an. Telah ditetapkan didalamnya kehalalan dan keharaman. Maka samapi hari kiamat dan yang telah diharamkan akan tetap haramsampai hari kiamat….”.(Tafsir Nu’mani hal.3; Al mizan, jilid 3, hal.81)
  • Ayub bin alhur berkata,”Aku mendengar Imam Shadiq berkata,”sesungguhnya Allah SWT mengakhiri para nabi dengan nabi kalian maka tidak ada nabi setelahnya dan mengakhiri kitab-kitab langit dengan kitab kalian (al-qur’an) maka tidak ada kitab sesudahnya. Al-Qur’an diturunkan sebagai penjelas segala sesuatu…”.(Al-Wafi, juz 2 dari jilid pertama ha.144)
  • Ashim bin Hamid berkata,”Imam Ja’far Shadiq berkata,”Jika diantara kalian memiliki kepentingan, berpuasalah…kemudian menyebutkan do’a yang panjang, yang dalam do’a tersebut disebutkan do’a seperti ini,”Ya Allah, aku mendekatkan diriku pada-MU dengan perantara nabi-Mu, rasul-Mu, dan kekasih-Mu, penutup para nabi, pemimpin para rasul dan imam orang-orang yang bertakwa”.(Itsbat al-Hudat,jilid 2 hal.472)

Riwayat Imam Musa Kazhim
Ali bin Ritsab meriwayatkan bahwa hamba yang saleh (Imam Musa bin ja’far) berkata,”Berdo’alah dengan do’a ini dari bulan Ramadhan tahun mendatang. Ya Allah, Tuhan tujuh lapisan langit dan tujuh lapisan bumi serta segala sesuatu yang berada diantaranya,….Tuhan Muhammad SAW dan keluarganya, pemimpin para rasul, penutup para nabi…”.(al-Kafi, jilid 4 hal.72; al-Faqih, jilid 2, hal.103)

Riwayat Imam Ali Ridha

  • “Segala puji bagi Allah dengan pujian yang ada dalam kitab-Nya, yang membuka kitab-Nya dengan pujian,  Shalawat dan salam semoga tercurah pada Muhammad SAW penutup paran nabi, manusia terbaik, dan juga kepada keluarganya, keluarga yang dipenuhi rahmat pohon kenikmatan…”.(‘Uyun Akhbar ar-Ridha, jilid 1, hal.87)
  • Imam Ali ridha dalam sebuah tulisan yang menjelaskan tentang ringkasan agama Islam, beliau menulis,”Sesungguhnya, ringkasan dan hakikat Islam adalah bersaksi dan meyakini bahwa tidak ada Tuhan selain Allah, Zat Yang Esa, tiada sekutu bagi-Nya, dan bersaksi serta meyakini bahwa Nbai mUhammad SAW adalah hamba-Nya dan utusan-Nya serta kepercayaan-Nya, penutup para nabi, dan manusia paling utama diseluruh alam. tidak ada nabi setelahnya”.(‘Uyun Akhbar ar-Ridha, jilid 2, hal.121-122)
  • Imam Ali Ridha dalam sebuah riwayat berkata,”Sehingga risalah kenabian berakhir pada al-Mushthafa, Muhammad SAW dan diakhiri para nabi dengannya, dan beliau berada dalam rangkaian para nabi. Beliau diutus sebagai rahmat bagi seluruh alam…”.(‘Uyun Akhbar ar-Ridha, jilid 2, hal.154)
  • Dalam naskah pengangkatan Makmun sebagai waliy al-‘ahd yang dibacakan oleh Imam Ali Ridha beliau berkata,”Segala puji bagi Allah yang berbuat dengan kehendaknya…Shalawat dan salam Allah tertuju pada nabi-Nya, Muhammad SAW penutup para nabi, dan keluarganya yang suci serta mulia..”.(Manaqib Mazandarani, jil 4, hal 364; Kasyf al-Ghummah, jil 3, hal.177)

Riwayat Imam Muhammad Jawad
Disebagian do’a Imam Muhammad Jawad disebutkan,”Dengan nama Allah Zat Yang Perkasa dalam urursan, Agung dalam pembuktian, kokoh dalam kekuasaan, Segala yang dikehendaki, maka terjadi, dan yang tidak dikehendaki makan tidak akan terjadi. Aku bersaksi bahwa Nuh adalah utusan Allah, Ibrahim adalah Khalilullah, Musa adalah Kalimullah, dan Isa putra Maryam adalah Ruhullah dan kalimat-Nya. Dan aku bersaksi bahwa Muham SAW adalah penutup para nabi, tidak ada nabi setelahnya”.(Bahj ad-Da’awat, hal.40; Bihar al-Anwar, jil.93 hal.359)

Riwayat Imam Ali Hadi
Imam Ali bin Muhammad al-Hadi dalam do’a ziarahnya dengan do’a,”Salam sejahtera bag Muhammad Rasulullah SAW penutup para nabi, pemimpin para rasul, dan pilihan Tuhan semesta alam…penutup atas nabi-nabi terdahulu, dan pembuka keberkahan di masa mendatang..”.(Bihar al-Anwar, hal.360)

12 Tanggapan

  1. Tidak ada pertentangan dgn pernyataan di atas, kalau pun ada kesan bahwa pangkat kenabian tertutup tentunya itu hanya utk Kenabian yg membawa Syariat (Agama Baru), karena telah tegas tertera dlm AQ bahwa Islam telah sempurna, jd dalam hal ini sama sekali tdk ada pertentangan.

    Adapun ttg kesinambungan pangkat kenabian yg tdk membawa syariat, jelas pula tersurat dlm AQ juga hadist. Dalil yg paling sederhana yg dapat dikemukakan mengenai adanya Nabi setelah Nabi Muhamad SAW juga sangat jelas, hal ini disampaikan oleh Yang Mulia Nabi Muhammad SAW sendiri, dan terdapat dalam kitab2 hadist yg sahih, yaitu mengenai kedatangan Isa Almasih as di akhir zaman (terlepas dr nabi lama atau baru), jelas sekali bahwa ada kenabian setelah Nabi Muhammad SAW.

    Mengenai kedatangan Isa Almasih as. juga tentunya ada pembahasan tersendiri krn msh terdapat kata tidak sepakat mengenai sosoknya, tapi yg jelas kedatangannya pun banyak ditunggu oleh sebagian umat Islam

  2. Haa…haaa kenabian yang membawa syari’at? Ada di Al-Qur’an dan hadits? itu khan hanya akal-akal Ahmadiyah.
    Silahkan Cari di AL-Qur’an kata Al-Nabiyyin, Apakah Al-Nabiyyin tsb hanya Nabi yang membawa syariat saja 😀
    Banyak kata Al-Nabiyyin di Al-Qur’an. Haditsnya pun mentok laa nabiyya ba’di yang bersifat umum dan tidak bersifat khusus. 😀

    Sudah dipatahkan dalilnya oleh Ahmadiyah sendiri masih saja ngeyel : D

    diantaranya, yang pertama Adam dan terakhir Ahmad (Muhammad saw).

    Namun Ahmad (Muhammad saw) paling bersinar dari semua.

    Sumber: “Da’watul Amir”, Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad hal.204

  3. >> Haa…haaa kenabian yang membawa syari’at? Ada di Al-Qur’an dan hadits? itu khan hanya akal-akal Ahmadiyah

    Jawab: drpd tertawa, silahkan simak kembaliAQ Surah Amaidah :45; yang artinya:” Sesungguhnya telah Kami turunkan Taurat yg di dalamnya ada petunjuk dan cahaya. Dengan itulah para nabi yg patuh berhakim bagi orang2 yahudi……..”

    Menurut saya ayat itu cukup jelas menerangkan bhw ada Nabi yg membawa syariat dan tdk, karena kita semua faham bhw Taurat di turunkan pada Nabi Musa as, artinya adalah Nabi Musa adalah Nabi pembawa syariat yg kitabnya dinamai Taurat, dan ada pula nabi2 yg berhukum pada Taurat setelahnya, yaitu para nabi yg diutus utk kaum bani Israil…dan para nabi tsb tentu saja artinya tdk punya kitab suci tersendiri krn mrk ams. dinyatakan berhukum pd kitab Taurat, artinya para nabi ams. tsb tdk memiliki/membawa syariat sendiri…

  4. drpd tertawa, silahkan simak kembaliAQ Surah Amaidah :45; yang artinya:” Sesungguhnya telah Kami turunkan Taurat yg di dalamnya ada petunjuk dan cahaya. Dengan itulah para nabi yg patuh berhakim bagi orang2 yahudi……..”

    Menurut saya ayat itu cukup jelas menerangkan bhw ada Nabi yg membawa syariat dan tdk, karena kita semua faham bhw Taurat di turunkan pada Nabi Musa as, artinya adalah Nabi Musa adalah Nabi pembawa syariat yg kitabnya dinamai Taurat, dan ada pula nabi2 yg berhukum pada Taurat setelahnya, yaitu para nabi yg diutus utk kaum bani Israil…dan para nabi tsb tentu saja artinya tdk punya kitab suci tersendiri krn mrk ams. dinyatakan berhukum pd kitab Taurat, artinya para nabi ams. tsb tdk memiliki/membawa syariat sendiri…

    hiii…hiii…. Mengutip setengah2. Nabi yang membawa syariat khan pengertian yang Anda berikan ke saya dalam surat Al-Ahzab berkenaan Al-Nabiyyin. Jadi terima kasih Anda telah memberi jawaban yang jujur dech… Jadi tidak ada alasan bagi Anda mapun Ahmadiyah bahwa Nabi terkakhir yang membawa syariat saja tetapi meliputi juga yang tidak membawa syariat. Begitu juga laa nabiya ba’di tidak ada alasan lagi diartikan sebagai tidak ada lagi nabi yang membawa syariat karena meliputi Nabi yang membawa syariat maupun tidak yang membawa syariat. 😀
    thanks bro Anda sudah mematahkan dalil Anda sendiri dengan ayat tsb 😀

  5. >>> hiii…hiii…. Mengutip setengah2. Nabi yang membawa syariat khan pengertian yang Anda berikan ke saya dalam surat Al-Ahzab berkenaan Al-Nabiyyin. Jadi terima kasih Anda telah memberi jawaban yang jujur dech… Jadi tidak ada alasan bagi Anda mapun Ahmadiyah bahwa Nabi terkakhir yang membawa syariat saja tetapi meliputi juga yang tidak membawa syariat. Begitu juga laa nabiya ba’di tidak ada alasan lagi diartikan sebagai tidak ada lagi nabi yang membawa syariat karena meliputi Nabi yang membawa syariat maupun tidak yang membawa syariat. 😀

    JAWAB: Suer ga ngerti…:), atau mgkin memang agak lemah dlm menangkap keterangan/penjelasan seseorang

  6. Suer ga ngerti…:), atau mgkin memang agak lemah dlm menangkap keterangan/penjelasan seseorang

    Ya sudah kalau ga ngerti…abaikan saja…Telmi kalee…. 😀

  7. سْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
    Cep Andri, coba perhatikan tulisan CK diatas. CK hanya menulis terjemahan bahasa Indonesianya saja, tidak menulis bahasa Arabnya. Karena pada umumnya tulisan dalam bahasa Arabnya “Khataman-Nabiyyin” atau “Khatamul-Ambiyya”, yang hanya mereka artikan “Penutup Para Nabi” saja. Padahal arti yang tidak bertentangan dengan ayat-ayat suci Al Qur’an seharusnya “Meterai/Cap Yang Mensyahkan atau Cincin/Perhiasan atau Yang Paling Baik/Sempurna diantara Para Nabi” atau kata cep Andri mah “Bintangnya Para Nabi”.

    Mungkin mereka akan lebih paham kalau saya tulis dengan bahasa Inggris berikut ini, selamat membaca dan memberi komentar bantahan:

    Finality of Prophethood
    The principal charge leveled against the Promised Messiah, peace be on him, is that (God save us), he repudiated the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, being the Khataman Nabiyyeen.

    This is an utterly false charge. The Promised Messiah, peace be on him, has repeatedly affirmed in his writings that he believes that every word and vowel point of the Holy Quran is from God and that this is part of his faith. He was the first person in Islam who proclaimed that not one word of the Holy Quran is abrogated. He challenged those who believe that a certain number of verses of the Holy Quran have been abrogated, to come forth in opposition to his declaration and that he would establish that not a single word of the Holy Quran has been abrogated. To say concerning such a person that (God save us) he repudiated a whole verse of the Holy Quran (33:41) is a monstrosity.

    He has stated:

    I call Allah, the Glorious, to witness that I am not a disbeliever. My doctrine is that there is no one worthy of worship save Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah . I believe concerning him that he was the Messenger of Allah and the Khataman Nabiyyeen. I affirm the truth of this statement with as many oaths as are the Holy names of Allah and as are the letters of the Holy Quran and as is the number of the excellencies of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. No belief of mine is contrary to the commands of Allah and His Messenger. He who imagines anything contrary to this labors under a mis-conception. (Karamatus Sadiqeen, p.25)

    Again he has stated:

    The person who was above all, and was a perfect man, and a perfect prophet, and who came with the fullness of blessings, through whom, on account of his spiritual advent and the spiritual resurrection that he brought about, the first judgment manifested itself and a whole universe that was dead was revived, that blessed prophet Khatamul Anbiya, Leader of the elect, Katamul Mursileen, Pride of the Prophets was Muhammad Mustafa, peace and the blessings of Allah by upon him. (Itmamul Hujjah, p.28)

    He claimed:

    Allah is Glorious, Allah is Glorious; what a high station was that of the Khatamul Anbiya, the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Glory be to Allah, what high degree of light was his. (Braheen Ahmadiyya, p.246)

    My belief that I hold in this life and with which, by the grace of Allah, I shall pass on from this world is that our lord and master, Muhammad Mustafa, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was Khataman Nabiyyeen and the best of Messengers. (Izala Auham, part I, p.137)

    He declared:

    I believe in the Khatam-i-Nabuwat of the Khatamul Anbjya, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and consider one who denies the Khatam-i-Nabuwat as faithless and outside the pale of Islam. (Taqreer Wajabul llan, 1891)

    He has stated:

    My belief is that our Holy Prophet is better and more exalted than all the Messengers and is Khataman Nabiyyeen. (Ayenah Kamalat Islam, p.327)

    He has declared:

    I believe that our Holy Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is more exalted than all the Messengers and is the Khatamul Anbiya. (Hamamatul Bushra, p.8)

    He has affirmed:

    I believe truly and perfectly in the verse which says: ‘But he was the Messenger of Allah and Khataman Nabiyyeen’. (Ek Ghati Ka Izala)

    All this makes it clear beyond doubt that the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, had perfect faith in the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, being the Khataman Nabiyyeen, and that he considered anyone who repudiated this as being outside the pale of Islam. It is, therefore, the height of injustice to allege that he denied the Khatam-i-Nabuwat of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

    It is true, however, that the Ahmadiyya Community differs with some of the Muslim divines in the true meaning and interpretation of the relevant verse (33:41). The Ahmadis have firm faith in the verse itself and a difference of view regarding its meaning and interpretation does not import disbelief. In the history of Islam great Imams and divines have differed with each other in the matter of interpretation on several questions. Despite those differences they were all considered Muslims and are worthy of honor by all Muslims. Such Imams and high authorities have interpreted this particular verse (33:41) exactly as the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement has interpreted it. Will they all, God forbid, be held to be non-Muslims? It would be obviously unjust that if X interprets a verse in one way he should be held to be a Muslim but if Y interprets it in the same way, he should be held to be a disbeliever. We set out, by way of illustration, the interpretations of this verse (33:41) by some of the outstanding divines.

    Hazrat Mulla Ali Qari (mercy of Allah be upon him), who died in 1014 A.H. and was a great research scholar and a master of Hanafi jurisprudence and was a great Imam, has stated in his book Mauzuat Kabir, with reference to the saying of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him:

    Had Ibrahim (the Holy Prophet’s infant son) survived, he would have been a true prophet, that if Ibrahim had survived and had become a prophet he would still have been a follower of the Holy Prophet; and he has interpreted the verse (33:41) as meaning that there would be no prophet after the Holy Prophet who would abrogate his law and who would not be one of his followers.

    In the same way, Hazrat Shah Waliullah, Muhaddas of Delhi (mercy of Allah be upon him), who has been acclaimed as the Reformer of the 12th century of Islam, has stated in his book Tafheemat IIahiyyah:

    The prophets came to an end with the Holy Prophet, meaning that there can be no divinely inspired reformer after him who would be commissioned by Allah, the Glorious, with a new law.

    Thus there can be a difference in the interpretation of the verse, but so far as faith in the verse is concerned it is not open to any doubt that the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, had full faith in it.

    The verse is as follows:

    Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets. Allah has full knowledge of all things. (33:41)

    Our opponents say that the expression Khataman Nabiyyeen, which has been employed in this verse, relating to the Holy Prophet, means that by his advent prophethood has been closed and that he was the last prophet in every sense. This interpretation is not correct. The word Khatam means seal and thus the expression Khataman Nabiyyeen means the Seal of the Prophets. The verse states that Muhammad is not the father of any man but is the Messenger of Allah and is the Seal of the Prophets. The question, therefore, is what is the true meaning of the expression ‘Seal of the Prophets’ in this context? Our opponents contend that the phrase Khataman Nabiyyeen does mean the Seal of the Prophets but that its interpretation is that the Holy Prophet was the last prophet, for the purpose of a seal is to close a document.

    It is well known, however, that the purpose of a seal is not to close a statement but to certify it as correct. That is why often a seal is affixed to a document at its top and in other cases it is affixed at its bottom or at its end. Its purpose is to certify the genuiness and correctness of the contents of the document. It is well known that after the truce of Hudaybiyyah, when the Holy Prophet decided to address letters to the rulers and chiefs of surrounding territories inviting them to the acceptance of Islam, he was told that rulers and chiefs do not attach any significance to a communication addressed to them unless it bears the seal of the writer. Thereupon the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, had a seal prepared which was thereafter used for the attestation and certification of documents (Bokhari and Muslim).

    The purpose of a seal being attestation and certification, the interpretation of the verse in question would be that though the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, had no male issue, yet being the Messenger of Allah he is the spiritual progenitor of his followers. He is, therefore, not without issue but has a large progeny. It is added that he is not merely a Divine Messenger but is also the Seal of the Prophets, that is to say, he is not only the progenitor of the generality of the believers but is the spiritual progenitor of the prophets and messengers also and thus he occupies the exalted position which imports that no prophet or messenger can now appear unless he bears with him the confirmatory seal of the Holy Prophet. This means that the Holy Prophet is not only the spiritual progenitor of the generality of believers but is also the spiritual progenitor of prophets and messengers.

    If this verse is construed as meaning that the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was absolutely the last prophet, the verse becomes meaningless. In that case its meaning would be: ‘Muhammad had no son but he is the last prophet.’ In Arabic idiom the word ‘but’ which has been used here is employed for the purpose of introducing an explanation in modification of what has gone before, or for the purpose of clearing a doubt which the previous statement might raise. The use of the word ‘but’ in this verse entails that it should be followed by a statement which modifies or clarifies that which has gone before. In view of this the interpretation put forward by our opponents makes the verse meaningless, for it would then amount to a statement that though the Holy Prophet has no issue, no prophet will come after him. This would constitute no praise of the Holy Prophet.

    The interpretation of the verse adopted by the Ahmadiyya Community is in exact accord with that attributed to it by great Imams and the elect in the past. For instance, Hazrat Ayesha (may Allah be pleased with her) is reported as having said:

    Say he was Khataman Nabiyyeen, but do not say that there will be no prophet after him. (Durre Manshur, Vol. V of Jalaludin Suyuti)

    Hazrat Mohyuddin ibn Arabi has stated in his book, Futuhat Makkiyyah:

    Prophethood will continue among men till the Judgment Day, though a new law is barred. Law is a part of prophethood.

    Hazrat Imam Muhammad Tahir has stated in his book, Majmaul Bihar:

    The saying of Hazrat Ayesha that Muslims should call the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, Khataman Nabiyyeen, but should not say that there would be no prophet after him, had reference to the advent of the Promised Messiah. The direction given by Hazrat Ayesha is not in contradiction with the hadees: ‘There will be no prophet after me’; for the meaning of the Holy Prophet was that there would be no prophet after him who would abrogate his law.

    Hazrat Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi (may Allah have mercy on him) Reformer of the second millennium, who is held in great honor, has stated:

    The achievement by the followers of the Holy Prophet by way of obedience and inheritance of the excellencies of prophethood after the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is not inconsistent with his being the Khatamar Rusul (Maktubat Ahmadiyya, Vol. I)

    Hazrat Shah Waliullah, Muhaddas of Delhi, may Allah have mercy on him, who was a great divine and was the Reformer of the 12th century of Islam, has stated in his book Tafheemat Ilahiyyah that the meaning of prophethood having come to an end with the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is that there will be no one who will be appointed by God Almighty with a new law.

    These are only a few out of hundreds of statements made by eminent Muslim divines and righteous people who have interpreted the expression Khataman Nabiyyeen in the same way as the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, has interpreted it. If despite differences in interpretation they were Muslims and were accepted as believers in the Holy Quran, why should the Promised Messiah, peace be on him, be penalized for having the same belief? Such an attitude would be the height of injustice.

    There is a serious contradiction involved in the stand taken by the divines who are opposed to the Ahmadiyya Movement. On the one hand they pronounce the Promised Messiah, peace be on him, a disbeliever because in their estimation his claim of prophethood is contradictory of the verse which pronounces the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, as being Khataman Nabjyyeen; and on the other hand they believe that Jesus, son of Mary, who is a Prophet, would come a second time. If the Seal of Prophethood is disrupted by the claim of the Promised Messiah that he is a prophet by reflection, then how is it that it would not be disrupted by the second advent of Jesus who was a Prophet in his own right? The bulk of the Muslims believe that Jesus would descend from heaven in his earthly body and would be a prophet.

    For instance, Maulana Maudoodi Sahib has stated:

    The second advent of Jesus is a question on which the Muslims are all agreed. This belief is based upon the Holy Quran, hadees, and consensus … This is a certainty and admits of no doubt that the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, has announced the second advent of Jesus. This is established by irrefutable testimony. If such testimony can be rejected, no historical event of the world can be accepted. (Answer to ten questions on behalf of Jamaat Islami, p.24)

    In a hadees of Muslim, the Messiah who was to come has been described as the Prophet of Allah. The stand of the Ahl-i-Hadees sect in this matter is that there is a consensus among the Muslims and it is supported by the ahadees that the Promised Messiah would be a prophet. (Ahl-i-Hadees, 29 November 1966).

    Imam Sayuti, Ibn Arabi, and Ibn Hajar have all clearly affirmed that in his second advent, the Messiah would be a prophet. Basing himself on a statement by Imam Sayuti, Nawab Siddique Hasan Khan Sahib wrote:

    He who asserts that Hazrat Isa, when he comes down will not be a prophet and would be deprived of his prophethood is certainly a disbeliever as Imam Jalaludin Sayuti has clearly affirmed, inasmuch as Hazrat Isa is a Prophet and a prophet is not deprived of his quality of prophethood either in his lifetime or after his death. (Hujajul Karamah, p.431)

    Shaikh Ibn Arabi has said:

    There is no difference of opinion on the question that Hazrat Isa is a Prophet and a Messenger and it is agreed that he would appear in the latter days and his prophethood is well established (Futuhat Makkiyyah, Vol.II, p.3)

    Shaikh Ibn Hajar wrote:

    Hazrat Isa is an honored Prophet. After he comes down he would still be a Prophet and Messenger. An affirmation by a person of no account that he will be only a member of the Muslim community is not correct, inasmuch as he being one of the Muslims and his giving effect to the Islamic law is not inconsistent with his being a Prophet and a Messenger. (Alfatawa Alhadisiyyak, p.129)

    Thus, it is the united stand of the Muslims that at the time of his second advent the Messiah will still be clothed with the robe of prophethood and that this would not be inconsistent with the verse which describes the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, as Khataman Nabiyyeen (33:41).

    How unjust, therefore, it is that despite the belief that Jesus of Nazareth will descend from heaven in his capacity of the Messiah of Israel and that he will be a Prophet and that this would not disrupt the Seal of Prophethood, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, who claimed to be a follower of the Holy Prophet and a Prophet by way of reflection and declared his purpose to be perfect obedience to the Holy Prophet, should be held to have been outside the pale of Islam on account of this claim.

    Here are some instances of the use of the expression Khatam in the connotation of high, eminent, excellent etc. but not meaning the last:

    1. Abu Tayyub was pronounced Khatamus Shuara. (Introduction to the Divan of Mutanabbi p. 5)
    2. Hazrat Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, was Khatamul Aulia. (Tafseer Safi, Surah Ahzab)
    3. Hazrat Imam Shafai was Khatamul Aulia. (At Tuhfatus Sunnia, p. 45)
    4. Shaikh Ibn Arabi was Khatamul Aulia. (Title page of Fatuhat Makkiyyah)
    5. Shah Abdul Aziz was Khatamul Muhaddaseen Wal Mufassireen. (Hadyatis Shia, p.7)
    6. Maulvi Anwar Shah Sahib Kashmiri was Khatamul Muhaddaseen. (Raisul Ahrar, p. 99)
    7. Habib Shirazi is considered Khatumushuara in Iran. (Hayate Saadi, p.87)
    8. Imam Suyuti was Khatamul Muhaddaseen. (Hadyatis Shia, p.210)
    9. Hazrat Ali was Khatamul Auwsia. (Minar-ul Huda, p. 106)
    10. Maulvi Muhammad Qasim was Khatamul Muffasireen. (Asrar-e-Qurani, title page).


  8. سْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
    Pakar Debat Kusir menulis:
    diantaranya, yang pertama Adam dan terakhir Ahmad (Muhammad saw).“
    Namun Ahmad (Muhammad saw) paling bersinar dari semua.

    Sinar Galih menjawab:
    Allah Ta’ala telah mengutus Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as sebagai Imam Mahdi & Masih Mau’ud dan Nabi/Rasul yang memperkuat syari’at Nabi Muhammad saw, tidak mungkin beliau as menulis seperti itu KECUALI DENGAN MAKSUD:
    diantaranya, yang pertama (syari’at) Adam dan terakhir (syari’at) Ahmad (Muhammad saw), atau
    diantaranya, Adam (Nabi Yang Membawa Syari’at Pertama) dan Ahmad (Muhammad saw) (Nabi Yang Membawa Syari’at Terakhir dan Sempurna).

    Namun Ahmad (Muhammad saw) paling bersinar dari semua (Nah ini lah arti Khataman-Nabiyyin atau “Bintangnya Para Nabi”).

    Karena yang menulis sya’ir itu adalah Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as, maka kalimat:
    “Namun Ahmad (Muhammad saw)”
    khusus hanya ditujukan kepada Nabi Muhammad Rasulullah saw saja, bukan kepada Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as.

    Ssssst, jangan cemburu yah, Jemaat Islam Ahmadiyah sudah sampai di Amerika Serikat. Penasaran, selahkan browse:


  9. To sinar Galih:

    sudah terbantah oleh perkataan MGA 😀

    diantaranya, yang pertama Adam dan terakhir Ahmad (Muhammad saw).“

    Namun Ahmad (Muhammad saw) paling bersinar dari semua.

    Sumber: “Da’watul Amir”, Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad hal.204

    Jadi tidak ada yang perlu dicemburui dengan Aliran Sesat 😀

  10. سْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
    You have no more idea to argue, haven’t you? If that is the case, then please behave like a muslim as taught by The Holy Prophet pbuh. And, please obey Allah and The Holy Prophet pbuh, then you will gain a peaceful life, because Islam means peace, purity, submission and obedience, as you can read on the followings:

    After reading the above, you can also browse our Worldwide Islamic Da’wah Activities on the following website:


  11. سْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
    Assalamu’alaikum, mengucapkan:

  12. Kalau dicermati komentar pengikut ahmadiyah di web ini, jelas bahwa pangkat nabi masih tetap ada samapai hari kiamat (suatu pemikiran akal-akalan), itu namanya mereka menyamakan bahwa nabi adalah titel atau jabatan kerajaan buatan makhluk, padahal sebenarnya kenabian/ kerasulan itu kewajiban dari allah kepada manusia pilihanNya, untuk mewakili allah dalam memberi tahu hukum/ tata kehidupan yang benar dan baik bagi seluruh umat manusia, agar manusia tidak membuat aturan sendiri-sendiri, sebab aturan yg dibuat manusia selalu memihak kepada kepentingan si pembuat aturan itu. Karena menurut Allah kecerdasan manusia secara evolusi sudah mencapai kesempurnaan di nabi Muhammad, maka tak perlu dirubah atau ditambah aturan bagi pengaturan kehidupan manusia di bumi ini lagi, maka dipastikanlah dg wahyu allah dalam surat almaidah ayat 3 “pada hari ini telah kusempurnakan untuk kamu agamamu, dan telah kucukupkan kepadamu nikmat-Ku”, maka berakhirlah kenabian pada Muhammad bin Abdullah. Jadi kalau manusia itu cerdas dan berakal tak perlu memikirkan aturan/hukum baru untuk mengelola manusia beserta lingkngannya di bumi in. CUKUP AMALKAN ISLAM DG SEMPURNA OLEH SEMUA UMAT MANUSIA YG HIDUP DIBUMI INI PASTI AMAN DAN SEJAHTERA. Tapi karena manusia mempunyai musuh yg nyata yaitu iblis tentu tidak senang kalau tidak punya teman manusia yg dapat dibanggakan nanti dineraka, maka dg bermacam cara dipengaruhi otak manusia untuk mau berbuat zolim terhadap dirinya dan masyarakat manusia lain. RENUNGKAN LAH.

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